Getting your business or organisation on the web is not as expensive as you may think.

Whether you require a basic web presence or a more complex one, I have the skills & experience to design a website to suit your specific requirements and budget.

I can also:

Design custom graphics (banners, logos, animations, illustrations) for your website.
Provide affordable web hosting.
Provide domain name registrations.
Help your site rate well on search engine result lists.
Maintain and update your website regularly.

Web Site Creative Brief

The purpose of this Creative Brief is to collaboratively walk through and document specific ideas and issues that can impact the concept look and

feel of the new Web site. Please take the time to review the questions below and expand or revise the answers as necessary.


Web Site Purpose:

From a user perspective, what is the main objective of the site? Please prioritise if there is more than one.
In other words, what are my main reasons for visiting this site as a user?
Should the site focus on: providing information, building the brand, showcasing specific products, showcasing specific services, marketing, purchasing, etc.
From a business perspective, what is the main objective of the site?
Please prioritise if there is more than one.
For example: selling specific products, selling specific services, building your brand, generating leads, increasing its traffic, increasing click-through, etc.


Are there any existing marketing elements that I should be aware of?
Branding statements, Ad campaigns, new logos, product photos, etc. These elements are necessary to build and maintain a brand image. These
elements will also ensure continuity and familiarity between traditional advertising/marketing materials and the Web. A user should feel at home when they arrive at your site because
they recognize a certain use of imagery, colours, logos, etc.

Design Elements:

What specific Design Standards should I be aware of? Corporate colours, logo usage guidelines, corporate fonts, page template designs, etc.
Are there any mandatory functional elements, features or requirements that must be included in the Interface? Promotional and featured areas on the home page, news tickers, stock tickers,
advertisements, rotating/swapping images, rollovers, etc.

Are there any mandatory aesthetic elements that must be included in the Interface? Sponsor or partner logos, a particular style of stock art.

Creative Development and Thematic Emphasis:

What adjectives would you use to describe your company?
For example: leader, friendly, innovative, safe, Funky Smart, etc.

Are there any themes or metaphors that should be explored in the designs?

Building on those themes, what should the overall visual tone and personality of the site be? For example, is it: corporate, fun, clean, warm, friendly, high-tech, consumer-oriented,
business-like, professional, colourful, subtle, exciting, serious, etc.

Overall Design:

What existing sites would
you consider “well designed” and why? This should be a list of
sites that made you take notice and say “Wow, now this is a nice-looking site”. This list should be based solely on visual aesthetics and not
functionality, ease of use, speed, or requirements. The list can be competitor sites or completely unrelated to your industry.

What existing sites would you consider to be “poorly designed” and why?
Use the same criteria as above.

What existing sites would
you consider “easy to use” and why?

These should be sites that you can navigate quickly and efficiently.
What specifically do you feel makes them easy to use: drop-down menus, left-hand navigation, rollovers.

Are there any design choices that you’ve seen on the Web that you would wish to avoid?
Web design is generally priced in two ways: price per page or price per hour.
As it implies, price per page ends up as a boilerplate kind of site, which may or may not suit your needs.
Price per hour implies customisation, and that is where I feel a client gets the most for their money.
Though customisation means more labour cost, a client should consider that a 15% – 50% increase in cost
per page could easily offer a 50% – 100% improvement in page dynamics. is glad to accommodate either way of pricing but recommends per-hour pricing.
Ask yourself, if more interesting page dynamics bring in only one more client, will it pay for itself?
Will attractive pages make people more likely to return or create a bookmark? I think so.
There are just too many variables with pricing to set things in concrete here. More exact figures can be arrived at with a free consultation.

Most of the work is performed at a very reasonable £30 per hour, including graphics.
Some variables to consider are:
Domain Registration
Copywriting and editing
Search engine submission
Site maintenance
Graphics design:
Photo Retouching

Since no two projects are alike, it is simply impossible to give a ballpark price without a consultation, but generally, our Web design prices are
between £200 and £5,000 or at a rate of £50 per hour.
Database Design & Development
If you have special needs the price may be higher. Some standard scripts
could also be lower. Please contact me for details.
If you would like me to develop database files, CGI, and Perl scripts for non-clients the cost will be much
higher. Please contact me for details.