yg-builders.co.uk I think it’s about time I was to update this section…busy,busy.
Read MoreWelcome to YourNutritionalHealth.co.uk
Read More“today-cell” not highlighted in iCal
The “today-cell” is supposed to be highlighted with a light-blue color but is not! Fear not a solution as been found for this silly annoying little problem…read on. Some applications, apparently change the screen contrast without your knowing it. Then the highlight becomes impossible to see. You can manually change the screen contrast back so the highlight is visible. Go to the Universal Access system preference and click the Seeing…
Read MoreRACINE Restaurant
Racine Restaurant needed to have a Video and easy editing Platform. This section allows the owner to update the site himself and post his latest video and Recipe.
Read MoreSync Google Calendar with iPhone
Here is how to set up your iPhone or iPod Touch to sync calendars with Google over the air: 1. On your iPhone, go to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Add Account > Other > Add CalDAV Account 2. For the CalDAV settings, enter the following information. Note that your username should be the email address you use to access your Google calendar as well as the password. 3.…
Read MoreDEELO gets a cool Website
Deelo is my son and I love his passion for Music and especially playing Guitar. I said I will give him a website for his Birthday to keep his Grand-Parents up-to-date and he just loves the attention. This also allow me to show you (potential clients) what can be done with today CMS Tools. It is very easy to managed even an 8 Year old can do it. Phil
Read MoreAnnoyance
The ones that have upgraded to Snow Leopard first you will have to deal with a dark screen right after the instal is finished (only on MacBook Pro) it seems. The work around is to access your machine via remote desktop or share screen facilities. Once the machine reboot you should be able to increase the screen brightness from the keyboard buttons. The other solution is to use a normal…
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